Xun The Chinese Ocarina: The Sound of Autumn Xun. One of the earliest instruments in China. Archeological excavation discovered Xun from sites more than 7,000 years ago. It is very similar to orcarina, but without a fipple. Xun is considered as a ritual instrument in Chinese history. Mostly used for court music after the Han dynasty till modern days. As time passes, Xun evolves into a
mature instrument capable of performing on its own. Xun has a very unique eerie sound character that can be fitted for filmic scoring. A famous Tang essay praised Xun: "How great Xun is! It's so elegant, so balanced, so natural and so thick. No wonder the sages would love it.”
System requirements and specs: 229 MB(Xun) meticulously produced sample sets. Powered by brand-new QIN RV engine. Windows XP/VISTA/Windows 7. 2GB RAM. 32/64 bit VST host sequencers compatible. Compatible with FXpansion RTAS Adapter All samples are recorded in 1-bit/5.6 MHz.
Ancient Ocarina CHINEEXUN HOT! BUY IT NOW! QIN Engine, enlivens the sound CHINEE ORCHESTRA All Rights Reserved, Copyright  ©  2012 AUDIO DEMO
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CHINEE XUN Chinese Ocarina Filmy & Atmospheric